Salone d'Impresa | Relazioni di Valore

Salone d'Impresa

Relazioni di Valore

Salone d’Impresa at a Glance

Salone d’Impresa  is the reference company for the Management of Events and Events of Business and Business Culture in the North East of Italy.
Salone d’Impresa has a long history in the Event sector, It was founded in Venice in 2002 with the formula “culture and Business” and it involves Entrepreneurs, Managers and Academics.
For over twenty years, Salone d’Impresa designs and realizes numerous formats of events with the goal of business development.





Become the first exclusive HUB of high value-added services and content for Businesses.

Become the first exclusive HUB of high value-added services and content for Businesses.



Salone d’Impresa Srl è la Società Leader a Nord Est per Eventi e Manifestazioni di Business e Cultura d’Impresa. Ma intende diventare il primo esclusivo HUB di servizi e contenuti ad alto valore aggiunto per le Imprese.

Aiutare le Imprese a sviluppare cultura e business, con professionisti, servizi, strumenti innovativi

Our three main focus are

Dedicated to education and course for professionals with upskilling and reskilling goals.

Dedicated to Festivals networking and culture events.

focus dedicated to ad hoc project, both regional and national

+300 Events


+ 3.800 Speakers


+ 47.5000 Participants


  • 21 editions of Salone d’Impresa, that is our main event of the year: it is dedicated to analyze market trends and new challenges for businesses with valuable guests, such as CEO or General Directors or HR Managers of big Italian companies.
  • 8 editions of Salone delle Piccole imprese, dedicated to micro and small enterprises
  • 7 editions of Salone delle Medie Imprese, dedicated to medium enterprises (the 8th will take place in September 2023)
  • Moreover during the year we organize another format of Event: Capitalismo 5.0 whose main characteristic is the location: we organize this format inside companies thus to be able to visit them.

I Format di ClubHouse

This is our most developed focus, since 2002 Salone d’Impresa has planned and realized numerous types and formats of events.


This focus is dedicated to education courses dedicated especially to professionals in order to develop new skills and up-skills.

We offer:

  • Executive Master for Chief Financial Officer
  • Executive Master for Sales&Business Development Manager.

What differentiates our courses form the other is in the methodology: the professional is at the center of the discourse where his/her Results, Experiences, Methods, Path are analyzed in order to act efficiently where it is necessary.


This focus is dedicated to ad hoc projects we create for our clients, that could be special Events, and Grants we participate in.

One of our best is “All in one Event: from concept to stage in only six weeks”: we handle the event at 360 degrees in its entirety, starting from the needs of the customer, through the design to the very realization of the event and its final evaluation.